Shipping And Refund FAQ.

Shipping FAQ

Which shipping companies do you work with?

Your order will be sent using the most suitable courier company (National Postal Services, EMS, TNT, etc.) depending on your order and the destination country.

We will choose the best courier to send the package according to the current shipping policy of the order (as you know, every year there is a period of time when countries will inspect packages more strictly, especially tablets, liquid products, freeze-dried powder and powder chemical products.) Don’t worry, we will handle it properly.

If have any question, you could contact us any time by email ([email protected]).we will answer you in time.

Which countries do you ship to?

We ship worldwide.

Do you give tracking number?

We give tracking number for each package in a 3-7 days after order was sent. We forward information to you immediately after shippers ship out the package and send us tracking number.

You will receive a notification via email registered to your account. Following the parcel after providing the tracking number is customer’s responsibility. We also follow every parcel as soon as we receive tracking numbers until delivery to avoid any issue and informing customer if we see any abnormality.

How can I track my order?

You may view the status and movement of your order by clicking on the tracking number on your order details page.

To track your package, please enter your tracking number to an online tracker.
One of the most commonly used trackers is:
or track in our web

Your package’s last status in the tracker (while the package is in transit) is always the last status in the sender country. The tracker will be updated with the new status message once the package arrives and gets processed in the destination country. So, please don’t get confused: your package might be in transit already for several days, but the tracker would show a status message from the sender country.

I would like to change my shipping information

Your order details always reflect the shipping information in your profile at the time of order placement. To change your shipment information after you have placed an order, please send us a message from your order file email and we will assist you. Unfortunately, we cannot change the shipping info once your order is forwarded to the warehouse.

So kindly confirm your address is right,and you can pick up your package in this address.

How long does it take after the payment to receive my order?

We usually send your package within 3-5 days after the payment (rarely – more than 5 days). We decide on shipment days taking into account many factors including the safety and security of your package.

Delivery service time – 7-14 days (in rare cases and during the period of postal overloads — up to 3-4 weeks or more).So, you will get your package after 7-14 days after the payment, or up to 20 days in rare cases.

Do I need to pay multiple shipping fees?

Dont need pay multiple shipping fees,For one order only need pay one shipping fees. Before the order is sent, The additional orders also do not need to pay additional shipping fees, we will optimization your order.

Do you keep HGH cool during shipping?

We cannot use any ways of cooling like thermo boxes, because they make package heavier and much more expensive to ship (200-300 $ instead of 30 $).
Secondly, thermo box attracts extra attention from customs and increases risks of seizure. Thirdly, all available ways of cooling works for just 1-2 days.
But you don’t have to worry about your HGH state during shipping.All of our products are produced using freeze-drying technology and vacuum packaging. It allows them to be stored for 5 weeks outside the fridge without any destruction of the somatropin structure.

What is the shipping costs?

Regular Postal shipping – 40$

DHL ,FEDEX- depends on your region, minimum 60$.

My tracking number is not active

It may take several days for your tracking number to get active, this is normal. Please give it some time before contacting us. Your package will be delivered within the given timeframe.

Signature requirement when delivery

Signature may required when delivery. During the pandemic, some postman didn’t ask for signature and left the package at the door or in the mailbox, and they’re still working the same way. This action is related with the postman and they decide what to do. Neither we nor the shipper are able to interfere with this process.

When the package is being delivered, no one will care what is in the package,So,dont worry for it.

Reshipping Policy

For which countries do you have a reship guarantee?

We have a reship guarantee for almost all countries except for countries that has high risk: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, all South America, Scandinavian Countries, Germany and Switzerland (EU Domestic shipments included), Spain and Portugal for International shipments, Israel, China, Taiwan, S. Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, United Arab Emirates.

Do you reship seized packages?

Yes, we reship seized packages %100 once free of charge.

In case a package gets seized, you need to send us the seizure letter or the seizure should be clearly understandable from the tracking status.

Please also check “For Which Countries Do You Have A Reship Guarantee?” article.

Our shop can’t be held responsible for an undelivered package if you provided an incorrect, incomplete or fake name or address.??

What is a reship guarantee?

We are working very hard to track packages and to spot any potential problems if possible. Unfortunately, we do not have any control over these 2 stages:

In the following cases, we reship your package once for free, if:

  1. Your package is seized by customs, you have an official seizure letter or we are able to check using the tracker status information.
  2. Your order is not delivered within the given maximum delivery time, we reship your order once for free if the delivery takes later than 60 days after tracking number provided. In commonly we will resend in 35–40 days, because when the pacakge dont delivery in 40 days, the express company will tell us whats happen for the pacakge,the package been check or other problem, we also will email tell you.
  3. For more package delivery problem, kindly check our shipping FAQ .

But, if you receive both packages we kindly ask our customer to confirm that they will pay 50% of the extra sent package both packages arrive safe. Until now all our customers accepted that as a fair offer.

For your information, we are unable to resend an undeliverable order due to address related issues. If the address you provided is not sufficient, couldn’t be delivered due to lack of information or delivered to the address provided and get lost / return to the sender we will not reship. Therefore make sure your postal address is valid, otherwise we will not be responsible for undeliverable packages.

Since we do not ship to nickname, alias or company name, please register with your real name. Otherwise we will not be responsible for undeliverable packages.

I was sent a wrong product or my products are missing

We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. Unfortunately, shipment mistakes might occasionally happen. Please submit us a ticket. We will ask for photos of the packaging showing the details like TN and shipping address. Please make sure that this photo shows ALL of the received items. We will review the issue and take necessary steps to fix it asap.

My items were damaged

We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. Unfortunately, packages might occasionally get damaged during transport. Please submit us a ticket. We will ask for photos of the packaging showing the details like TN and shipping address. Please make sure that this photo shows ALL of the received items. We will also need a closer photo showing the damage. We will review the issue and take necessary steps to fix it asap.

Contact Us

For any question, you could contact us by our company order email [email protected].

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